Sunday, February 3, 2008

Some fun photos...

Ok, since I'm having issues with my camera, I decided to pull some of my favorite old pics...
I just thought these pictures were so funny--just shows how TINY those little baby heads are...and really put into frightening perspective just how FAST my kids are growing up!

Owen (10 days) with his big sistas!
Avery got to go to the Wild Animal Park ALONE with Dad a few days after Owen and Mom came home from the hospital--she had a blast!

Madie got so excited that Owen (2 weeks)fell asleep on her lap!
Cute little Owen at 2 months old!


Forsythe said...

I did not know you guys went to NY with Matt & Allison! How exciting. That sounds like a great trip. I have not been there before but we are going to try and go in the spring. Glad you guys had a fun time!

Randi said...

Hi Tammi. Its Randi Brunt. Good to hear from you! I am glad you found us. Blogging has been such a fun way to keep in touch with people. Your kids are beautiful. Seriously. I don't say that often. :) Hope you all are well. So happy to hear the news about Melis. So exiting!

queenieweenie said...

Wow, wow! I can't believe how much Owen has changed! What a tiny little peanut head he was. Such a cutie. I guess maybe it's time for another. Can't wait to see the New York pics...I just got mine up. Too funny that we went a week apart!

Hazen5 said...

Owen is soooo big now, make him stop growing. I love seeing old pictures from the past.

shayla said...

Okay all you New York travelers!!! I SO wanna go back again! I'll just have to visit Malisa when she moves this summer (sob, sob). And Owen is such a doll--fun to look back and see him again!