Thursday, May 13, 2010

Naked buns and such

"Does this rug make my butt look big?"
Tell me that isn't the most yummy little pair of buns you laid eyes on, in the last few days?
My little man (now 8 1/2 months) has turned from a little peanut, trying to gain some Mr. Thunder Thighs.

And he thinks he's sooooo big, climbing up and getting into all sorts of germ-infested things! I was making lunch today and thought he was playing with his toys in the family room, when I heard him get excited and giggle. So I followed the sounds and found THIS!
Except when I found him, his chubby little arm was ALL THE WAY INSIDE, splashing around in the water! Ew, sick. Don't worry, I boiled his little fingers and dipped them in Clorox for 40 minutes...or maybe we just let the dog lick them clean.