Friday, September 17, 2010

Morning giggles!

This is how I find these two funny boys MOST mornings! For SOME (very odd) reason, Owen, who's 3 1/2, doesn't come out of his room in the morning UNTIL we come in...I know what you're thinking, but there are no threats or bribery involved! We either find him playing in his bed talking to himself, or wrestling his baby brother, or jumping in the crib. And Drew is just BEAMING! He is THE happiest kid alive (all day)! And he thinks his big brother is so funny--especially in his bed in the morning. I must say, these two make it so fun to wake up in the morning...I love sneaking up on them when they don't hear me coming, and then hear them SQUEAL! They usually have about 8 blankets and a bunch of pillows in with them too. I'm so glad they have each other to laugh with.
LOVE YOU my sweet boys!

1 comment:

Forsythe said...

So cute! Their smiles make me giggle. Love Owens tongue!