Monday, January 25, 2010

Gotta love that "O"!

This little firecracker just kills me! He's CONSTANTLY making us belly-laugh with the things that come out of his mouth...

One day while driving in a quiet car with Mom and Drew, he says in this funny little voice,
"WE use to have that cage when WE were a little mouse family"...?? Guess I missed the part where we turned into rodents?
These 3D glasses he found on the ground at some store and the clerk just gave them to him 'cause he loved them so much...

O loves his little buddy Miley! Funny little story: Her mom (my friend Nicole) told Miley "I love you"...Miley's response..."No, Mommy. I marry Owen"...awww, now they HAVE to.

Yea, I know there's some rule about taking pictures on the john, but...I'm just so excited he can do this and I don't have to hold my breath as I clean up his diapers anymore!

And out of the blue (as everything IS with 2 1/2 yr. olds), he told me,
"You make my heart feel better", as he gave me a big tackle-hug!
(SERIOUSLY? Can I just bottle you up and save you just like you are right now?)
Ok, so after this picture, I went and found his Spiderman costume for him to play dress-up with his sisters...Uncle Jefe, you can relate, right? At least there's no sissy bonnet (and make-up).


Jules said...

HAHAHA! With the third girl on the way I was just telling Sam how I was glad Luke was the 2nd oldest and didn't have to endure the torture of being dressed up by his sisters. You may have the even 2 and 2, but alas you have the older girls dressing him up!

Tammi said...

Oh, no Jules, this was all OWEN! Sisters had nothing to do with it--he just couldn't find his Spiderman dress-up, so, "why not be a ballerina?"

Krista Hansen said...

Such a cute boy! He sounds sweet and hilarious, just like a kid should be.