Congratulations, Michelle & Chris!
My sisters Melissa, me (duh), Michelle, Jen, & Nichole (Coco).
My little sister
Michelle got married last weekend (she's 23, not really a baby, just THE baby of 5 girls) in the San Diego temple. She was absolutely beautiful! And it was a really nice sealing and a great reception with LOTS of dancing (more pics to come). 14 hour days ARE exhausting with three kids (one of them who NEVER stops going) and nowhere to nap... but it was a really fun day. We all really missed my baby brother, Jeff (the REAL baby of the fam), who is serving a mission in Cleveland, Ohio. So my sister got a cardboard cut-out made of him (it would've cost more than double-like $250-to have it done life size, so he was cut off at the legs). But my little cousin who is 8 stood in his place and acted as his legs for many pictures...It was soooo funny, everywhere we went, there was Jeff--staring at you from every angle. Many times I really forgot that he wasn't actually there and smiled at him and almost ran over to grab him in a big hug like we big sisters always do. He looked SO REAL--except many people did wonder what he was doing sitting ON the table at the reception. My girls REALLY miss their Uncle Jefe and thought it was really fun to get to take pictures with the cardboard Jeff.
We missed you in there, Marcus--it was the exact sealing room we were married in too. Being in that room reminded me (and all my family members who still laugh) of dear sweet Grandpa Melvin (Marcus' grandpa), who sealed us and I think every one of his Marcus' siblings except the youngest. He was REALLY old, and he spoke for quite a while about Marcus playing football for BYU (he red-shirted before his mission, but we told Melvin on many occasions that he wasn't playing anymore). Still Grandpa went on and on about how he should be careful not to "let those big Polynesians crush his body and injure him!" There wasn't alot of marriage advice--but it was VERY memorable! He was such a sweet, funny man. He passed away months after he sealed us. Anyway, we had a fun day and the girls of course LOVED getting all dressed up in their beautiful pink dresses. Although Avery was not happy when someone said that Michelle (the bride) was "the most beautiful girl" --she was truly shocked and exclaimed, "NO! NOT than me!" Ha. Love that girl.
I had no idea your sisters were all so brunette! What a pretty bunch of gals! And your girls' dresses are fabulous--LOVE them! Funny story about Marcus--that's too bad:) Tell Avery I think she's the most beautiful one there:)
I love Avery that is so funny. At least you don't have to worry she doesn't have a self esteem. jk... What a funny sealing you and Marcus had, I never knew. I was so nervous I don't even remember mine. Thanks for posting.
I can't believe Michelle is that old!!!! WE must be getting old, but I still feel 18. She looks beautiful and it's fun to see the pic with all your sistas. Hilarious about the cardboard Jeff. I didn't know he was in Cleveland. Mary's husband, Mike's parents are there. His dad is the Stk. Pres--Selden.
you guys all looked beautiful! You made me cry talking about Melvin. Good memories! Post some more pics of the wedding I love wedding pictures!
Your sisters and you are beautiful! Are you the only blonde? I also LOVE the family pictures of you's been too long since I have seen you all, I love being able to see your blog...xo, Amanda
Hey Tammy girl! I found your blog by way of Rachael miss Hazen (hope that is ok...I am really not a stalker!) You have such a beautiful family! We really need to hang out this summer!
By the way, this is Kim Orlando (if you couldn't tell by my picture and perfect physique!) ha ha
gotta love my Avery! Both the girls looked so pretty. I love the dresses!
You gotta show me how to do that sweet special effects! I'm thinkin' that I'll be using it on all my future pictures.
I love weddings! All of your sisters are so beautiful. That picture of you and Marcus is sooo cute. How are you liking your MAC?
Hi Tammi-This is Julie LeCheminant, from the Winder ward in SLC? Jeff ran into Marcus a few months ago at the Oakland airport and gave him your blog address. It is so good to see your adorable family and what you are up to. Hopefully we can stay in touch. If you get a chance email me at lechemgirl(at)
I love the girls dresses. Where ever did you find them. What a fun day!
Poor Marcus!! The girls look so pretty. I love weddings.
So...I'm thinking it's time for an update...come on Telmie, a whole three months? UPDATE!!!
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