Happy Birthday to our beautiful baby girl!
Avery turned 4 years old on April 13th
(this is sooo late--I'm such a bad mom)
Sweet little Avery came into this world in the midst of CHAOS! Our move to San Diego, Marcus' new job here, finding and purchasing a home, etc. all made for CRAZY times, which left poor Avery with a basket case for a mom! Alas, she learned how to make her needs and preferences VERY clear from the beginning. And when Mommy didn't get it right, she wanted her Aunt Allison (who of course would give her whatever she wanted). "I go my Atson", she use to say in her little sing-song whine. Avery was blessed with a lot of spunk to fend off (more like SCARE) all the boys she will have after her in a few more years! She is my little playful child...I love her evil little giggle and how hearing herself toot makes her laugh uncontrollably! She has a love of music and singing and is always surprising us with how quick she can learn a song. Avery is so very loyal to those she chooses to love. She fiercely defends her big sister Madie and doesn't want to experience anything without her.
Our little Twinkle Toes