Monday, October 6, 2008

Living in the moment and...I'm just a pansy!

So I've been on the verge of feeling sorry for myself recently with my husband being gone so much for business and what not, but just as I'm starting to give in to the "poor me" thoughts, I am brought back to the reality that I am very blessed!  I've been thinking about how I've just been "getting by" and trying to "manage" my household...but that's not what I want to see when I look back on my life.  I want to know that I've laughed with my kids and hugged them just because, and taught them about being a follower of Christ.  I don't know why I've been so painfully aware that my children are growing up and I CAN'T STOP THEM!  I love the story that our sweet prophet shared yesterday in Conference (his talk really hit home and I thought it was crazy that he was speaking of something that's been on my mind so much lately)...The father of two children promised to take them to the circus and when he recieved an urgent call from work asking him to come right away, he answered "no, I will not be coming."  His wife reminded him that "the circus will be back again you know"...To which he responded, "Yes, but childhood will not".  Too often i think I'm in the "get it done" mode and I hurry through things and only half pay attention to what my kids are doing or saying.  And it is them (my playful kids) who have to remind me to stop and play a little and bring me back into the moment.  Anyway, I am working on enjoying and living in the moment with my children and counting my blessings.  Sometimes I wonder "why me?"  Why am I so blessed with sooooo much--3 beautiful, healthy kids, a wonderful husband who works so hard and is the best Daddy, great family (on both sides) who live close by, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, a safe home to sleep in every night, not ever wondering IF I can feed my kids, and soooooo much more.  I guess I'm just kind of a pansy--I think Heavenly Father didn't send me to a 3rd world country because He knew I wouldn't last--I murmur when I'm alone all week and can't listen to another child whine the word "MOM!"  I moan when my dishwasher is not functioning!  The thought of watching my child starve to death would kill me...Or hiding out from evil men who rape women and children--I don't know HOW those women endure such things and raise their children in places like that.  OK, so this turned really depressing, SORRY!  Didn't mean to go in that direction...I'm just really grateful for my life...


Sheree said...

What a beautiful reminder! Thanks for that. I feel the same way a lot of the time. I get caught up in the neverending cleaning and feel like a mouse on a wheel. And while that has its place, I want to know that we are enjoying every day that passes.

Forsythe said...

Thanks for the post Tami, I am sure it is hard with MArcus gone all week. Your post helped me think how blessed I am thanks!

CHILI said...

Tam-I am just glad that you are human too. I look at you like a superwoman with all that you do. It definitely is good to reflect and remember what we have to be grateful for. Love ya, Miss Ya hope to see you soon. Whit